Sunday, December 28, 2008

It's not just at my house!

This picture proves that Norm is just plain scared of activity in the kitchen. It happened on more than one occasion at mom's this past week that when anyone was cooking in the kitchen, the dog could be found, in the far corner of the living room, tucked away safely between the couch and the lamp.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Catching Up...

Things have been pretty crazy around here since Thanksgiving, and now Christmas is less than two weeks away. Time for a catch up pictures.

Thanksgiving weekend with some of the family at Keystone

Daven & Avery (my niece and nephew) at Der Fondue Chessel - Avery was 3 for the night!

Chef Daven working the raclette grill!

Avery on the tubing hill before dinner.

Daven enjoying the entertainment during our fondue dinner.

Tubing with the girls from the office during the 2nd weekend at Keystone. Taking a little recreation break after touring the Resort all day. Followed by more fondue! Note to self: fondue two times in two weeks is too much!

The draft horses that pulled our wagon to dinner at one of the original home sites at Keystone this weekend. Storm and Shadow. There wasn't enough snow yet to get the sleighs out. But a horse drawn wagon ride while it's snowing on the way to dinner was still pretty cool and the dinner was amazing - 2nd best mashed potatoes ever - because nothing beats Grandpa Seibert's mashed potatoes.

And more tubing. Adam had never been tubing. We also did some snowboarding this weekend, but the camera didn't make that trip up the mountain. If it had, it might have captured me actually linking turns and looking almost like a snowboarder, or me during a couple of spectacular wrecks or Adam looking like a pro (to me) after a 2 year vacation from snowboarding.

And now, it's a cold and snowy Sunday in the metro area. Norm slept til 10 today and is currently snoring on the bed, under his blanket. And I'm thinking he's on to something!

Monday, November 17, 2008

I saw them...and it was fantastic!

Several groups from my jr. high and high school years have been out on tour recently. A friend of mine was very excited to spend an evening at a Bon Jovi concert not too long ago. And, I would have enjoyed that too I'm sure. However, the group I was obsessed with..I mean into in jr. high and honestly most of the way through high school was made up of five guys from Boston...yes folks, I'm talking about the New Kids on the Block!

The picture was taken on my camera phone, from the 11th row.
I was home the morning they announced the reunion tour - I had a CPR class in BV that afternoon, so took the whole day off. I'll admit, I even squeeled a little when I found out they were going to be doing a concert in my area. And, I really wanted to go, but never bought tickets. Then the week of the show rolls around and friends back home saw them in Omaha and loved it.
As luck would have it, for maybe the second time in my whole life, I won something from a radio station - a pair of tickets to see the New Kids on Friday night. Thank goodness I didn't know until Friday that I was going, or the anticipation might have killed me.
The tickets were way in the back - but I was at the show. Turns out once we left our seats to get some drinks before the show, we'd never return. Tash has a little rebel in her and she managed to sneak us down onto the floor where we enjoyed the show from the 11th row :)
It was almost like a time machine - the place was packed with late 20's-mid 30's women, all decked out in their NKOTB wear, toting the action figure dolls and everything. It felt like mom should have dropped us off at the door.
So the show was amazing! They're still hot - I think even moreso than before. :) And now my ears have quit ringing and my voice is almost back to normal.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Bighorn Sheep

Yesterday, I went up to Estes Park for the afternoon. While in Estes, my friend and I got a craving for Runza...mostly because we knew there was one within less than 50 miles of us...down the Big Thompson Canyon in Loveland.

As if driving the Big Thompson Canyon wasn't treat enough...check out what we saw before we got to Drake...

And a close up* too...

*The close up was taken from the safety of my car - just like all the other picutres I took. No matter how badly I wanted to get a better close up, I knew better...Though I'm amazed by the number of people who don't...

Case in point...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

New Music!!!!

Brett Dennen's new CD Hope for the Hopeless came out on Tuesday - Entertainment Weekly calls it easy-like-Sunday-morning.

Here's a little excerpt from the University of Wisconsin Advance Titan's review of the CD...

On “Hope” Dennen delves into issues of human rights, optimism in a largely pessimistic world, personal insecurities and the back and forth nature of relationships that for Dennen at least, show his loyalty and positive outlook which he keeps throughout the 11-track LP.

From sitting in front of a roaring campfire singing to at-risk youth to touring the country with multi-platinum selling recording artists and even having the closing track, “Ain’t Gonna Lose You,” appear recently on “Grey’s Anatomy,” Dennen is a man that, although aware of the bad in the world, is incessant on preaching that if we all band together good will breach the barriers, because even when things seem dismal and like it won’t ever get better there is still “Hope for the Hopeless.”

You can listen to the whole album on MSN here.

And finally... here's the video for "Make You Crazy"

Friday, October 3, 2008

San Fran...the quick list

Six days...
10 intensive classes in 3 days (work related)
Folsom Street Fair (only in San Francisco - don't Google this one at work)
Chanticleer in concert - Amazing vocal music group - totally Google this one
In and Out Burger - it's a good thing we don't have them out here. Seriously.
Pier 39 and the Sea Lions
Forbes Island - "private island" dining experience
Trader Joe's - I'd heard so much and it was so close, I had to go
Thai in the Tenderloin - thank goodness for cabs!
Ghirradeli Square - Haight Ashbury ice cream sundae
Coit Tower
Lombard Street
Cable Cars
Union Square
Clam chowder in sourdough breadbowls
The Ferry Building
Fabulously fun nights out with friends!

There are about 200 pictures and it'll be a while before I get to them - but I'll share a few sooner or later, with more details on the trip.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What does your music say about you?

It's another iPod/mp3 survey/meme:

If someone new were in your car, what song on your player would you be quickest to skip out of embarrassment: Oh...quite possibly something from Don McCloskey - mostly for the language, and the fact that I'd probably be singing along.

What is the longest song on your player? Probably Paradise By The Dashboard Lights by Meatloaf

What do you think is the silliest song on your player? King of Spain by Moxy Frouvus

What did you most recently add to your player? Oh, I think I added some Barry Manilow, Don McCloskey and George Baum (of Lost & Found) piano stuff

What did you most recently delete? A bunch of stuff that I never listen to and never really liked in the first place that I had put on for a former frequent passenger.

What is your favorite song on your player that is from a movie? This Never Happened Before - Paul McCartney, from The Lake House

Is there a song on your player that is only there for someone else’s benefit?
Not anymore....See the one on most recently deleted.

What song or artist do you find yourself skipping most frequently and therefore should probably delete?
There aren't really any right now.

Without cheating, start your player and list the first 10 songs that come up in random play.
Tied Down - Colbie Caillat
SexyBack - Justin Timberlake
Have You - Jordan Knight, yes that Jordan Knight
Come Dance with Me - Joey McIntyre - yes...again, that Joey McIntyre
Don't Tango with the Freakshow - Don McCloskey - no, not the song from the first question
Kiwi - Maroon 5
Home - Michael Buble
Daughters - John Mayer
Rockstar - Nickleback
Sweet Affection - Tom Freund

Monday, August 18, 2008

My Peculiar Furkid

So Norm is quite the dog. He's always been pretty well behaved and only stubborn once in a while. He loves snow, doesn't mind thunderstorms...unless they produce rain. Then we have issues.

It started raining Thursday night at our place and didn't really quit until yesterday morning. And he really hates the rain. As in, he'll walk down the steps, realize it's raining, stop and think a bit and then turn around and go back upstairs. Thankfully, I'd told mom about this once early on and she sent him a rain jacket. He doesn't like to wear the hood, but he will stand at the door and wait for me to get his coat to take him out if it's rainy. Really.

He was a trooper though, with all the rain. He seemed to know that cold rainy days are for snoozing on the couch and watching the Olympics.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Green Eats...

I'm an apartment dweller. I don't really have anywhere to put a garden and besides I've never been much of a gardener - well, at least not until the end of the summer when I was a kid at Grandma & Grandpa's when you actually got to pick things from the garden.

My grandpa was a farmer. Grandpa and Grandma always had "his & hers" gardens when I was a kid. Grandma mostly grew the veggies and stuff in a smaller (relatively speaking) garden on the left side of their drive and Grandpa had a much bigger garden over on the right where he grew potatoes, sweet corn and all sorts of things. The weeding I wasn't much into, but when it was time to go gather the goods, well, that part was fun.

I have been thinking a little more lately though about where the things I eat come from. And then today, I came across this little video...

I'm not really in a place where I can make my own garden now, but I think I'm going to try and find a fun little farmer's market tomorrow morning - especially if it's not raining.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

iPod Oracle

An iPod-related magic-eightball kinda meme that I stole from somebody’s blog.

Put your music player on shuffle.Press forward for each question. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn’t make sense.

How am I feeling today? "Back to You", Jessica Simpson
Eh...not so much

Will I get far in life? "Up on the Mountain", Steven Curtis Chapman

How do my friends see me? "Can't Slow Down", Brett Dennen
Sometimes it feels like it.

Where will I get married? "Wild Hope", Mandy Moore

What is my best friend? Situations, Jack Johnson

What is the story of my life? "That Love Card", Don McCloskey

What was high school like? "Peachy", Missy Higgins

How can I get ahead in life? All That We Needed, Plain White T's

What is the best thing about me? "Something About Your Love" Mason Jennings

What is today going to be like? "Older", Colbie Caillat

What is in store for this weekend? "Come Dance With Me" Joey MMcIntyre
Yes....that Joey McIntyre - it's a good CD, seriously. As for this weekend, I really don't see dancing in the forecast, but I guess you never know.

What song describes my parents? "Hello", John Butler Trio

To describe my grandparents? "Sacred Place" Mason Jennings

How is my life going? "Make You Crazy" Brett Dennen
If early Tuesday evening is any indication - so very true!

What song will they play at my funeral? "Home", Michael Buble'

How does the world see me? "Damned to Hell" John Butler Trio

Will I have a happy life? "Every Rose Has Its Thorne", Whitesnake

What do my friends really think of me? "There'll Come a Time", John Butler Trio

Do people secretly lust after me? "Swept Away", Mandy Moore

How can I make myself happy? "Keepin It Real", Mason Jennings

What should I do with my life? "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For", U2

Will I ever have children? "Son of it All", Don McCloskey

What is some good advice for me? "There Is So Much More", Brett Dennen

How will I be remembered? "Skipping Stone", Amos Lee

What is my signature dancing song? "Where I Stood", Missy Higgins
Pretty much...I'm not much of a voluntary dancer.

What is my current theme song? "Darlin' Do Not Fear", Brett Dennen

What does everyone else think my current theme song is? "Living in the Moment", Mason Jennings

What type of men do I like? "Truth", Amos Lee

Funny how there are always a few things that fit well when I do these things, and some that are just so far on the other side of where I'm really at. Anyway, just a little fun thing. If you blog and have a roaming musical device of some sort - copy and paste into yours, then play along and leave a comment that you did. Good times!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Gotta dance....

This is my favorite You Tube in weeks.
Seriously, funny.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Odessa Lake Overnight

The backpacking trip was AMAZING! I think that the pictures can pretty much tell the story. We went up 1215 feet in just shy of 3 miles - with packs weighing in between 26 & 35 pounds. We marveled often at the scenery and were incredibly blessed with the most amazing weather.

The pictures won't tell the near disaster stories of the trip...there were a few...I'll tell you at the end of the story.

Just a little ways up the trail from Bear Lake - happy to be out on the trail!

B's first time backpacking ever - she did a great job!

Longs Peak, and in the lower third of the picture, what I think is probably Alberta Falls.

Wildflowers on the trail - it felt like it was never going to level out during those first 3 miles.

Seriously - this was the first of several times that we had to stop and check out the snow and figure out where the trail went. Good times! Snow in late July!

This was our first glimpse of Notchtop Mountain - we thought it was amazing.

A random shallow pool as we neared the high point of the hike.

Another look at Notchtop

Our first look at Odessa Lake - from high above

Lake Helene
The farthest out into the backcountry we went...
and where my cell phone actually rang (had it along for the clock)
now if that's not a commercial for AT&T - more bars in more places!

Between Lake Helene & Odessa - serious snowfields - two weeks prior some were considered an avalanche danger - two weeks prior the campsite we stayed at was still under snow too.

Making my way up the side trail to Odessa Lake, and our backcountry campsite for the evening.

Our nice little camp

B enjoying some French Rabbit wine streamside while we made dinner.
Mountain House Turkey Tetrazini and Mashed Potatoes with Garlic and Herbs.
Complimented the carton of chardonnay quite nicely...too nicely perhaps.

Our first look at Fern Lake from far above on the very rocky trail down from Odessa.

One of the many wildflower shots taken on this morning's hike out.

Fern Lake - was incredibly still today

More Fern Lake - blue sky and still water - great for pictures!

Fern Falls

Me at Fern Falls

It was a long hike out from Fern Falls - I think mostly because we knew we were thisclose to being back to the car, away from mosquitos and biting flies and on my Chacos! for the near misses and other troubles...
Before we even met in Estes, the French Rabbit Chardonnay seemed to have sprung a leak of some sort - inside my pack! The trouble was contained (thank goodness for ziploc bags) and damage was minimal, both to the pack and the carton of wine! Near miss.

THE MOSQUITOS - as I sit and write this, I have counted not less than THIRTY bites on me. Plus from Fern Lake on down, we battled both the mosquitos and biting flies. GRRR.

We had freeze dried scrambled eggs with bacon on the menu for breakfast. I was awake and decided I'd get things going and have breakfast ready when I woke up B for the day. I went down to the river, pumped the necessary water, set everything up on a nice flat rock, lit the stove and went to tend to some other chores, about 10 feet away. I hear the pot fall over and think nothing of it until I hear a loud WHOOOOSH! As I turn around I realize that not only did the water I had just pumped fall over, but the stove and fuel canister were in FLAMES!!!! Scary scary flames. I had two thoughts:
  • That can is full of fuel and is going to explode
  • The forest is going to burn and it's going to be all my fault
After a brief moment of panic, I grabbed the cooking pot, filled it with river water and after about 4 trips, the fire was out and disaster was averted. The control knob on the stove is melted. Eggs were taken off the breakfast menu and I'm now researching new backpacking stoves. Very near miss - too close for my comfort.

I'm looking forward to getting back out there again sometime, hopefully sooner than later.

Friday, July 18, 2008


So I'm going backpacking tomorrow with a friend. A friend who has no idea how much good she is doing for me just by going along. This is a trip that's been on my "things to do list" since I moved out here. I got the permit on the first day for phone reservations with the backcountry office, planning to do it with ex-j. When things went bad and I broke it off (less than two weeks before the trip), I had a permit and needed to recruit a friend or two for a weekend adventure.

Within a half hour of her initial response of "let me check and see", B came back with another reply - "of course I'll go - am I crazy, I've always wanted to try it, I'll rearrange anything I have to in order to make it work"

She's never been backpacking before but is all in for an incredible adventure she says. Her biggest much does a bottle of wine weigh.

Have I told you she's an awesome friend?

So last night we got together at my place to pack the backpacks. Being the "gear-girl" that I am, I have two. We put up my new backpacking tent, a light little thing, coming in at just over four pounds including the rainfly, groundcloth, poles, stakes and tent body of course. I think it's quite little, but once it was up she thought it was huge - which is good since we're both sleeping in there.

We packed up our foodstuffs - this will be my first venture into the world of freezedried meals from REI - simple sounds good to me right now. Boil the water, pour it in the bag, close the bag, wait the alloted time then eat. Easy enough. I hope.

We weighed the packs and since my pack was nearly 70 pounds the last time I went backpacking (in 2001 - with the church kids). Imagine my surprise when with all the liquids I plan to carry, the pack weighs in right at 30 pounds! Hers should be around 25-27, depending on how much water she wants.

Now here's the good stuff. Thanks to a co-worker, I discovered my new favorite gear for backpacking - not even available at joke! Here it is....

Wine!!!! In giant juice boxes! Giant juice boxes that are 100% recycleable and account for only 3% of the weight when full. They even have little baby ones, straws not included. So, we're going to give the Pinot Noir and Chardonnay a try when we're out this weekend. If you want to learn more about this stuff you can find it here.

I hope to have some amazing pictures of a fantastic adventure by the end of the weekend. So here's hoping for no bears in camp and no blisters on the feet!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Friday Five - CAMP!

A great Friday Five from the RevGals: CAMP!!!!!

We're settling into our new new apartment, and after alifetime at Montessori Katie is having a fantastic summer at YMCA day camp.Meanwhile, Nicholas is packing up for a week at Camp Julian, shared by theEpiscopal dioceses of Los Angeles and San Diego. His lists of supplies andrules--except for the ropes course available to the teenagers and the ban onIPODs and cell phones--bring back memories of my own happy times weeks at Y camp Ta Ta Pochon, funded by selling countless cases of butter toffee peanuts. So, in celebration of summer, please share your own memories and preferences aboutcamp.

1. Did you go to sleep away camp, or day camp, as a child? Wish you could? Or sometimes wish you hadn't?
I definitely went to camp! I was a camper at Carol Joy Holling Camp (one of our ELCA camp in Nebraska) every summer 4th-12th grade. Some of my dearest friendships were made there and camp is definitely a place where I really, truly grew in my faith.

I also went to a 4-H ski camp, twice. Let me rephrase that, I went to a 4-H ski camp in NEBRASKA...yes, we used to have a little hill...NebraSki. The lodge is still there and last I knew some family members of a friend had purchased it and were living in the lodge. The funny think about now is....oh, 18-19 years later, I work for a ski company and I.still.can' Not to save my life I don't think. I do snowboard, but not that well. Maybe next season.

2. How about camping out? Dream vacation, nightmare, or somewhere in between?
I love camping. It's not my dream vacation but when I've just got to get away for the weekend, it's perfect. Most of my gear "lives" in the car for the summer, so it's just a matter of throwing some clothes and the sleeping bag in the car, along with some stuff for the furkid and we're off.

3. Have you ever worked as a camp counselor, or been to a camp for your denomination for either work or pleasure?
I worked at CJH for four summers, and interned there through my jr. year of college. Amazing time. Again, much growth and more great friends.

4. Most dramatic memory of camp, or camping out?
Was it the morning that the horses from Tipi came over to Mainsite to visit Kent & Matt or the morning after a sleepout when I woke up to six foot flames in the fire pit with Matt beaming about the fact that he lit a fire...a really good fire...that we were going to have to cook on in about a half hour. I don't know...good times though!

5. What is your favorite camp song or songs? Bonus points if you link to a recording or video.
It's been years since I've been to camp and I really can't think of a favorite, but I think of the more mellow ones - oh, and the ones I can actually play on guitar, those are my favorites...but much like Rev Scott....I know what is not...Pharaoh Pharaoh. I can handle Psalm 150 the first time...but after the 50th time in a week...I just want to run and hide :)

Monday, June 2, 2008

Bolder Boulder - 2008

So it's been a week and the race really wasn't bad at all, things have just been busy. I finished in 1:48 - not bad considering I weigh about 30 pounds more than the last time I did it 4 years ago, and haven't been spending as much time in the gym this time around. So all things considered, it was a good day. Cold and rainy - so cold in fact, I nearly bought a CU Buffs sweatshirt to wear after, so you know it was cold.

So just one quick picture - Tash and I at the start of the race...good times!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend - Part II

After the movie, we ventured back up the hill to our camp, lit the fire and laughed, for a good long time as Henry Hound patrolled our camp area - howling every minute or so, making sure that every animal in the valley knew that he was watching for them - or something. It wasn't long before we decided we'd best just wrangle him into the tent for the night. It was a really clear night and so even chillier than the night before - we're guessing low 20's. Even Henry was shivering.

The sun was shining when we got up this morning - but it was looking cloudy to the northeast - the direction we were headed for the day. So we quickly broke down the camp, loaded up the truck and after a coffee stop, were on our way up to Rocky Mountain National Park. We arrived at Milner Pass around 8:45 AM - and Trail Ridge Road was still closed. We saw one other car between the park entrance and Milner Pass. There was one more car waiting for the road to open. We talked to the gentleman for a while, and he told us the ranger thought the road would open by 10:30am. We decided to wait and see - at least that long. It would take us that long to go back around anyway.

Luck was on our side this morning and at about 10:05, the road opened and we were escorted to the top by a ranger - well, we were third in line, but still pretty cool. You can see the ranger's white vehicle at the front of the line.

The snow drifts were pretty deep, I'm guessing 20 feet tall in some places. And it was cold and windy - we didnt' stop to get out. There was mini-golf to be played in Estes, where it was to be much warmer, according to the weather forecast on Friday.

And thankfully, the forecast was right - it was beautiful in Estes. Blue sky, very little wind and a round of mini-golf where J & I ended up being tied. And on the second game, I got a hole in one on the 19th hole and won a free game - that hasn't happened in a long time.

Then we hopped back in the truck and headed for home - the long way - we both love the Big Thompson Canyon and rarely drive it, as it adds miles and almost an hour to the trip home. It was so worth it. The river was moving and everything in the canyon is greening up. Then the long trek down I-25 back to the city, getting all the gear unloaded and put away. And, a trip to the PetHotel to pick up Mr. Norm, of course.

Tomorrow, Memorial Day Weekend Part III - The 30th Annual Bolder Boulder

Well, it might not get posted tomorrow, but soon anyway.

Memorial Day Weekend - Part 1

It's hard to believe that it's already Memorial Day Weekend! J has a tradition of making a loop from Denver, up Mt Evans and back down, then over Berthoud Pass and on to Winter Park, Granby, Grand Lake, into Rocky Mountain National Park, up over Trail Ridge Road, down into Estes Park and back to Denver...sometimes with some camping in between, sometimes in one long day. And this year, he invited me to join him on the journey - we've been looking forward to this for months!

We decided we'd camp this year and by Tuesday we knew that we were going to be ready to get out of town on Friday. He figured it'd be easiest to just set up a base camp and do a little back tracking as needed this year. It's nice not having to break down camp every morning. So we left town around 6 on Friday and after being shut out on one forest service road (foot deep mud without 4 wheel drive is a no-no), we go a little further into the Fraser Valley and find a great place up on Crooked Creek Road. We were actually hoping to get a big higher up the road, but the forest service has it closed. So we set up camp.

End of the road, we camped just to the right - great little spot. J even taught me how to shoot a shot gun up here - big fun!

And here's the view we got to enjoy much of the weekend - well, when it wasn't snowing anyway. That's right - snowing! Thank goodness for big fires, warm sleeping bags and fleece lined hats!

We set up camp and J quickly lit a fire for us to warm up with - it wasn't dark yet, but we knew that it was going to be in the low 30's-high 20's Friday night. We're getting pretty good at the arm length photos...see...
After about a half hour or so, it started to snow. It wasn't really flakes though - it was more like pellets - dippin' dots sized pellets of snow, so we retreated to the tent. I was very impressed with how warm my new bag kept me - those ratings are pretty right on - thankfully.

On Saturday morning, we ventured back down to Mt Evans in hopes of driving at least up to Summit Lake. It wasn't to be though, drifts had blown in overnight and the rangers had no idea when the road might open again.

So feeling a bit defeated, but also knowing it's a half hour from home, we went back over to Winter Park and on up to our camp site. We decided to go on a quick hike on up the road past the closure, just to see what we could see - and of course, I forgot the camera. It was a nice hike, lots of shade and some great views - you'll have to take my word for it though.

It was about time for dinner and we decided just to go into town. We had also seen that the new Indiana Jones movie was playing at the theater in Winter Park - woohoo! So a quick bite to eat, a walk for Henry Hound (J's dog, Norm spent the weekend at camp) and we were off to see the movie.

So this is a random picture, right? Well, not really. You see, behind the speed limit sign, is the sign for the Cinema - you can see the NEMA. And it's kind of fitting that the sign is hidden, because the theater itself is also hidden. It's located in the building with the green roof, on the right side of the picture. But - the part of the building you see, is a convenience store. The theater is actually downstairs, that's right folks, we saw the latest Indiana Jones in a theater in the basement of a convenience store. It was an adorable little theater. Just one screen, a lobby wallpapered in the mid-80's, and thank goodness we hit the ATM beforehand, because while they don't do debit cards, they do take checks - I saw someone writing one when we left after the movie. Everyone has to go back out the same way they came in - so since we went to the early show, we got to walk out past all the folks waiting to see the 9:30 show. The movie was good and it was nice to spend some time inside - especially since it really didn't warm up a whole lot during the day.

Part II coming right up...

Friday, May 23, 2008

Friday Five

From RevGalBlogPals...
It is a holiday weekend here in the UK, and the weather forecast for much of the country is not good!!! But we can still dream and so with that in mind I bring you this Friday Five.

1. Getting ready for summer, do you use the gradual tanning moisturisers ( yes gentlemen you too can answer this!!!), or are you happy to show your winter skin to the world?
I used to, but these days I'm pretty content to just be is.

2.Beach, mountains or chilling by the pool, what/ where is your favourite getaway?
Beaches are ok now and then...but I love the mountains!!!! The farther away from the beaten path in the mountains the better.

3.Are you a summer lover or does the long break become wearing?
I love summer in the Winter & Spring, but by the time summer actually gets here, I'm ready for fall it seems. That's not completely true...I do enjoy the summer, hiking, camping, rafting. It's just hard to love it on the scorching hot days that we had way too many of last summer.

4.Active holidays; hiking swimming sailing, or lazy days?
Mostly active, though I do enjoy reading a book/snoozing in a hammock by the river.

5.Now to the important subject of food, if you are abroad do you try the local cuisine, or do you prefer to play it safe?
I'm generally willing to give the local things a whirl. Also, it's generally better if I don't know what it is until after I've tried it.

My Bonus...
Headed anywhere this weekend (long weekend for most in the States)...
Yep! J & I are going camping, leaving tonight - sure to appreciate the summer heat a little more by the time we get home on Sunday. I'm scared to even look at the forecast for the mountains, but I suppose I should be a little responsible and have a look.

This weekend is J's traditional Memorial Day Mountain Loop - Denver to Mt Evans, then over to Grand Lake, up over Trail Ridge Road and down into Estes Park. I've never been up Mt Evans, so I'm looking forward to that, and just being out of town with J.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

It was a gorgeous and busy weekend around here.

I was off Friday so took the long way over to Buena Vista - making several stops along the way. Friday night included a CPR/First Aid class and dinner at Quincy's - YUM! They don't have a menu - on Fri & Sat it's prime rib and the rest of the week it's filet mingon - you just tell them how big and how well done and that's it - you don't even pick your salad dressing. Always fun catching up with the AT folks at Quincy's.

Got to test out the new sleeping bag and am pretty excited about it - real test is this weekend when we'll likely be camping on snow.

Saturday I was on the river guiding a group. I was fairly confident all day that at some point, we were all going in the drink. And let me tell you - I HATE SWIMMING - when it involves a fast moving river and water temps hovering around 40 degrees. Thankfully my crew finally figured out who was on the left and right (important when I yell for only one side to do something - which usually happens at a critical time). So we survived the day without any unintentional swimming.

Sunday, J & I had planned to spend the day together. It was way too nice to stay in and catch a movie (Prince Caspian will have to wait), so we headed west of town and found ourselves at St. Mary's Glacier - he called it a walk. I think it was a hike - about a mile up, and I mean UP (the trail levels off, once you get there), over a very rocky trail, still covered in snow. I'd never been before and I'm so glad that I kept on up the hill, even as my legs were screaming. It was gorgeous and well worth the effort. (also a reminder that I have much more work to do before we get to July, August & September's backpacking trips).

People ski down the steep slope above - and it's way steeper than it appears in this picture!

And the obligatory arm's length photo - this one actually worked pretty well.

Last night we went to the Rockies' game - they lost, but made a great run in the bottom of the 9th to make the end exciting. It was a beautiful night - it has been 85 or so yesterday, so the evening cool down was very welcome.

Up next - seeing Brett Dennen, Mason Jennings & Missy Higgins in concert tomorrow ngiht - camping this weekend - maybe some snowshoeing and on Monday, the BolderBoulder.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Life is good...

Mostly, life is good these days.
  • Spring is here more often than not anymore.
  • I'm headed down to the river for some rafting this weekend. (I'm excited to raft, not excited that the water is only in the 40's or that my most favorite river friends aren't going to be around this summer.)
  • I'm getting to the gym 5-6 days a week, even doing a few free weights some days.
  • The dogs are finally starting to be friends (J's dog is older, taller and lighter...Norm is, well...lacking some social graces and kind of the annoying little brother type).
  • And, next weekend, we're finally going camping...and and and, I get to test out my new sleeping bag and sleeping pad (a combined weight of just 3.4 pounds - backpacking) for real. I tried to test it one night on top of my bed, but I guess sleeping in a down bag rated to 25 degrees, while inside a nice cozy apartment isn't really a good test.
  • Sadly, as of about right now, my sister is no longer a New Yorker - she loved living there but will be much happier to go back and visit from time to time - she's now back in a warmer place, with seasons, South Carolina.

That's all for now.

Friday, May 2, 2008

May rear end!

So when I was a kid, we used to do cool May Baskets for our friends - all springy and such.
Well, yesterday was May Day - and it looked more like Christmas.

Snowflakes as big as half dollars - SNOW! Lots of it!

Of course, since it had been 75 the day before, the snow didn't really have a chance to stick to anything, and for that, I'm thankful.

That's all.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

We're Back

Whew! What a trip. The wedding was beautiful, the weather was fanatastic and we got to see Dad & Frank, Mom & Ed as well as Max & George and their parents. I used to nanny for M&G when I lived in Grand Island (not their real names...nicknames from back then).

J noticed lots of similarities between driving through Nebraska and driving through Texas. Lots of long, straight, flat roads. He also noticed something very different - the amount of red at Memorial Stadium on game day (the sold-out Red White game was going on when we drove past). He said that he never saw that much burnt orange at UT when he was going to school there.

We also took a quick tour of Carol Joy Holling while we were going back to Lincoln from Omaha. The place has changed so much, until we passed Ranch it felt like somewhere I'd never been before. Then as we crossed the dam and headed up over to Trailhead (10 years later I still want to call it Main Site) and Tipi things started to feel much more like I remembered. It was nice to be able to show J one of the most influential places from my childhood through college years.

We spent Saturday night at mom & Ed's - it was nice to visit with them. I haven't been home except for Christmas in 3 years now - it was really nice to be there when there weren't fifteen million things to do.

Sunday, while playing Wii tennis with Max & George, we learned a very important lesson - if you're playing a game where everyone has to be standing up at the same time, it would be well to put the left handed kiddo on the left side of everyone else as to avoid someone getting a Wii controler to the eye socket. Poor George was so upset that Max had hit him - but it was an accident, and soon the tears were dried and all was well.

So while we did everything we set out to do, there were lots of folks I wanted to see, but just couldn't make it happen and J has a whole team of field reps working out there that he'd like to meet eventually too. So perhaps sometime we'll take a 4 day weekend and do some more visiting.

For now, it's back to work and time to get back to the gym or there will be no mountain climbing for me this summer.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Mid-April? How'd that happen?

Seriously. Time has been flying by lately. I'm amazed by how quickly time has been passing. Since the last post, mom's whole side of the family was out for Easter. We all went up to Estes Park for the weekend.

The ski/snowboard season is wrapping up with just a few ski areas and resorts still open this week. The grass has been green in town for quite a while now - though tonight, it's being covered by a wet, heavy layer of snow. The drive to work tomorrow will be a nice sloppy mess I'm sure.

I haven't been doing so well with the gym thing lately. I really need to with the backpacking trips and other things we have planned for the summer. And now, after a 4 year hiatus, Tash and I are doing the Bolder Boulder again next month. And in super cool move, the office is covering the registration fee...woohoo.

Before that though, J and I are packing up the car on Friday and heading to Nebraksa for a whirlwind weekend of fun in HuskerLand. 1200 miles in 48 hours - sure not to leave an impression of much other than the interstate, sadly. I'm looking forward to the weekend, but the driving, not so much. Denver-Grand Island, Grand Island-Omaha, Omaha-Lincoln, Lincoln-Wilber, Wilber-Grand Island, and Grand Island-Denver. We'll manage to see Dad & Frank, Mom & Ed, the Boys & their folks, and a good friend's wedding (which is what prompted the trip in the first place).

And auto related...with the end of the ski season, the car got a new windshield today - just before the snow started. Driving back on Sunday would have been "super no bueno" with the big crack competing with the glaring sun.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ambitious Summer Plans & Goals

So I know the calendar says it's only March 11th. But, in a blink of an eye - summer will be here. There are signs that it's coming. The grass is turning green!!! Wedding invites are starting to arrive. I can take the furkid out for his morning potty run in my flipflops and not worry about frostbite anymore. And, as much as it pains me to say it - I do love the fact that it's light long enough after work now that said furkid can have a few weeknight trips to the d o g p a r k (if you say it...he'll be waiting at the door, leash in mouth...and will not be convinced that he's not going to that place). We haven't quite adjusted to the "earlier" mornings that come with the time change, but I'm guessing in a week or so all will be well again in that department.

So, with summer just around the corner J & I had been discussing some hikes and backpacking trips we'd like to try and do this summer. March 1st is the first day the backcountry office at Rocky Mountain National Park takes phone reservations for the summer season. Knowing that we're going to have to do most trips over the weekends and that we had picked a couple of pretty popular spots, I had circled the date on the calendar so I'd remember to call.

I had family out over the weekend and we were running all over the place, but I figured I'd just call at 8:30 when they opened while everyone else was getting ready for the day. Busy signal. I tried for an hour - busy, busy, busy. So I decided we just weren't supposed to make those trips, and we'd find others later. Well, after the obligatory girls weekend mani/pedi session, I decided to try one more time. Success!

In July, we'll be headed up to Odessa Lake for a night - actually, up to Lake Helene and then down to Odessa from Bear Lake then down past Fern Lake (I've been to Fern Lake from the Fern Lake Trailhead - I'm lucky that I didn't end up at the bottom of the lake and will be quite happy to be hiking down from the lake I'm sure). In September, We're going to head up above the Alluvial fan (created by the Lawn Lake flood in 1982), hoping to find our way up to the Spectacle Lakes (here's a link to someone else's pictures and report on this hike)- on the topo map the cirque it sits in looks quite impressive.

And, and and...I didn't forget about August - it just makes me the most nervous. We're spending a night at the Boulderfield at the end of the approach trail to the summit of Longs Peak. The next morning, we're going to make an attempt to summit, weather and conditions permitting, of course. The summit is at 14,259 feet. Our campsite will be at 12,750 - so we'll gain the majority of the elevation on the first day - just the tough trail-less adventure up and back - thankfully without our heavy packs, we'll stash those at the Boulderfield for the day.

I've been watching a DVD about the route we're going to take - The Keyhole Route - and I have to tell you - I'm not sure if it's the camera angles or what, but there are parts of that trip that make my hands sweat already. It makes me thankful to be going with someone who is about the most patient and fairly conservative when it comes to adventures such as this. I have noticed that I've started to look at that mountain a little differently these days as I'm headed to work...maybe by the end of the summer, I'll know what the view from the top is like - firsthand.

There may be another 14'er somewhere in July or early August and I'm sure a few other hikes and maybe a little car camping too - but that's the big stuff I'm trying to get into shape for. Feels good to put it out there and really own the goals.

It had to be a dream...

But I'm pretty sure I was wide awake tonight. I was leaving the gym and noticed a plaque I'd not seen before. I'm not kidding. I read it twice. Even double checked to make sure I was at the gym.'s what it said...

First Monday of the month 'Pizza Night'
Second Tuesday of the month 'Bagel Morning'

Apparently, I picked the right gym. Granted, I picked the gym for lots of right reasons, reasons not including the two items above. It has more cardio equipment than any other gym I've ever gone to. It doesn't have all the muscle guys and their million pound dumbells. It has weight lifting machines - which I love! It also has an "express workout" circuit - kind of like Curves I suppose. And and's around the corner from my apartment complex. And and's only ten bucks a month.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Back to the Gym

Or....why oh why did I ever let myself get so out of shape again!

So, just around the corner from my place, a new gym opened this morning, bright and early at 5:00 AM. I was there at 5:45. It's currently 6:25 - and yes, folks, I'm already home. I did get a little sweaty, I logged a mile and called it good. I could have moved over to a treadmill, but I just don't like them as much as the elliptical machines. And, my iPod was out of juice, and and and, I was wearing my old sneakers - which make my toes hurt after a while. Lots of excuses, I could come up with a ton more - but I won't. Because the truth is - I'm just happy to have gotten up and gotten moving on a chilly, windy Monday morning. And I know as I put more time in, that one mile will turn into 4, or more. I didn't get to where I am overnight, and I know it's unrealisitc to think that I can get back to where I was 4 years ago overnight too. So it's all good!

So my gym though, is pretty cool. It's rows and rows of bikes, ellipticals, and treadmills. It also has a half hour workout circiut (which I might try tomorrow morning), and a set of nautalis type weight lifting machines (you know, the ones with the weight stacks you put a pin in to adjust the weight you're actually lifting). My favorite part is that it's only ten bucks a month - with no contract.

Getting back to the gym coincides with getting back on the Weight Watchers wagon. This time (I think I've joined every year since moving to CO - so this would be attempt 3 in CO) I'm loving it, almost as much as I did in Grand Island. We're doing it at work - we have a leader who comes every week to the office and does a meeting in one of our conference rooms. I'm hopefully to be in new territory by my birthday in August.

Monday, February 4, 2008

What a week!

It's Monday....again.

Last Monday J & I were still on our little "fairy tale" vacation in Vail. It was amazing - great snow, a fabulous hotel with staff and amenities that I'll likely not experience again for a very, very, very long time and great company - what could be better. Seriously - there was even someone who's job it was to bring us our skis and snowboard to us at the gondola whenever we wanted to go ski/ride - and and and, he also took them back in for us when we were done. If we asked for the car from the valet, we were offered a ride to where ever we wanted to go...or use of the Volvo XC90 - which of course we had to give a whirl. If you're ever looking to be spoiled beyond belief - let me know - I know a place. (Must note: we were most lucky in that I had a gift certificate for a few nights (for any of our resorts/hotels) tucked away that I had earned at work, a couple of years ago that was due to expire and well, we lucked out that the hotel had space during the time we wanted to use it.) It's only been open a month, but they didn't miss a beat.

So work last week was rough...what going from doing nothing for yourself to doing all kinds of stuff for everyone. Oh well....have to pay the bills, right?

Then Norm and I spent most of the weekend snoozing, relaxing, pampered chefing at Tash's, oh, and we watched a football game last night. Well...I watched a football game last night. Norm had run his long and very un-basset hound legs off at the dog park yesterday afternoon, so he napped on the couch. (I woke him up a couple of times, poor guy.)

I've never really a big NFL fan, but it's growing on me, and I've definitely become a Cowboys fan by association this season. Anyway...the game was quite a thriller as anyone who watched/cares knows. It was nice to see the Patriots go down. Not because I really care all that much, but because their coach just seems to be so smarmy and ruthless, and lacking ethics. My friend over at Confessions of A Lutheran Husker has created a great picture, a spoof on the motivational posters often seen in offices.

And, now it's snowing, in town, where it's really not useful for anything. Well, except Norm will be all bright eyed when I take him out tonight when I get home...he loves fresh snow - of course, he doesn't have to drive in it :)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Friday Five - On Tuesday

A wintery fun Friday Five from the RevGals via my friend Lutheran Husker's blog...

1. What is the thermometer reading at your house this morning?
COLD!!!!! It was -9 when I got up this morning in Vail (have been up there on vacation). Pretty much once it gets below 25 or so, I just say it's cold. Really freaking chilly. And once we got back to Denver, I honestly can't say it was too much warmer - it's been so windy today. Woe the wind!

2. Snow—love it or hate it?
I love it - with one caviat - that it falls on the west side of Loveland Pass. I enjoy snowboarding and J is an avid skier (and that's an understatement). We can't do anything with it down here, it gets dirty and ugly way too fast in town. Up in the mountains though - I love it! Not always as it's falling (particularly when it's windy). But powder days means it hurts a lot less when I fall - and I do like that!

3. What is winter like where you are?
Well - being in's cold. But not that bone chilling damp cold. Just plain cold. And snowy now and then in town...lots of snow in the mountains - Vail has seen over 230 inches this season (saw it on the grooming report yesterday).

4. Do you like winter sports? Any good stories?
I snowboard and snowshoe. I enjoy them both. J & I usually head up the hill and ski/ride at least one day each weekend. J would love for me to give the skis another shot and it might happen yet this season, we'll see. I'm just feeling now, mid-way through season 4 of snowboarding that I have the mechanics down and just need to work on the stamina and be more confident - I'm still a little scared of wiping out. I also enjoy watching figure skating and love watching the X Games. Good stuff.

Now - on those previously mentioned freaking cold days - I'm good for about 2 runs down the easy hill and then you'll find me in the lodge - hot chocolate in hand. On the really cold days, the hot chocolate has amaretto & cinnamon schnapps in it too...also very good stuff!

5. What is your favorite season, and why?
So this feels like a cop-out, but I really don't have one. There's something about every season that I look forward to. Winter weekends in the mountains, the warm spring days watching everything turn green again, hiking, rafting and camping in the summer and the amazing colors that come with fall in Colorado. I really can't pick a favorite.

Bonus: Share a favorite winter pick-me-up. A recipe, an activity, or whatever.
Tubing at Keystone - this is sledding for grown ups at it's best! Four lanes, giant tubes, attendants that send you flying down hill. Then at the end, you jump off the tube, pull it over to the side, put it on the carpet, sit down and the covered surface lift takes you and your tube back to the top to do it again. So much fun!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

What a day!

The day started way too early...out the door at 6:45am...and ended with 3 hours and 45 minutes in the car. But in between...a fabulous day at Beaver Creek. Neither of us had been there before. It was fun to explore a new place together since neither of us had been there before. The drive up was easy, no snow on the roads and nearly endless powder on the slopes. I think this was day 8 or 9 for me on the slopes this season and we think it was day 16 or 17 for J.

And the best part of the day...after three seasons...well, 2 and a half perhaps, it seems I have finally figured out how to ride on my heelside...and and and...I can switch back and forth now from heels to toes. And and and...I can go FAST. Well, relatively speaking anyway. And from the skier - J conqured a double black today too! Apparently bumps the size of Volkswagon Beetles.

Beaver Creek was nice, it's a gorgeous resort. I kid you not, there were a few snow flurries falling this morning as we rode the Centennial lift up, and they looked like glitter falling from the sky...the finest, shiniest pieces of silver glitter...and they shimmered on the ground too. We thought it looked like the most magical snow we've ever seen.

So then it was time to go home - with such great snow, we left much later than our usual 2pm on Sunday afternoon. I think we were finally getting the car out of the parking lot closer to 3:30. Oh, and we usually leave Keystone & Breckenridge by 2...Beaver Creek is a good jaunt further west. So we chuckled when the sign in Vail said 45 mintues to the tunnel, 2 hours 20 minutes to west Denver. These signs are really cool, they update contstantly I think there's about 4 or 5 of them between Vail and Denver. So we kind of laughed a little at the next sign when we had driven 20 minutes and the new sign said 2 hrs 15 min to Denver.

It was 7:15 when we finally pulled into the parking lot at my place. And we agreed - it was a fantastic day.