Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Ambitious Summer Plans & Goals

So I know the calendar says it's only March 11th. But, in a blink of an eye - summer will be here. There are signs that it's coming. The grass is turning green!!! Wedding invites are starting to arrive. I can take the furkid out for his morning potty run in my flipflops and not worry about frostbite anymore. And, as much as it pains me to say it - I do love the fact that it's light long enough after work now that said furkid can have a few weeknight trips to the d o g p a r k (if you say it...he'll be waiting at the door, leash in mouth...and will not be convinced that he's not going to that place). We haven't quite adjusted to the "earlier" mornings that come with the time change, but I'm guessing in a week or so all will be well again in that department.

So, with summer just around the corner J & I had been discussing some hikes and backpacking trips we'd like to try and do this summer. March 1st is the first day the backcountry office at Rocky Mountain National Park takes phone reservations for the summer season. Knowing that we're going to have to do most trips over the weekends and that we had picked a couple of pretty popular spots, I had circled the date on the calendar so I'd remember to call.

I had family out over the weekend and we were running all over the place, but I figured I'd just call at 8:30 when they opened while everyone else was getting ready for the day. Busy signal. I tried for an hour - busy, busy, busy. So I decided we just weren't supposed to make those trips, and we'd find others later. Well, after the obligatory girls weekend mani/pedi session, I decided to try one more time. Success!

In July, we'll be headed up to Odessa Lake for a night - actually, up to Lake Helene and then down to Odessa from Bear Lake then down past Fern Lake (I've been to Fern Lake from the Fern Lake Trailhead - I'm lucky that I didn't end up at the bottom of the lake and will be quite happy to be hiking down from the lake I'm sure). In September, We're going to head up above the Alluvial fan (created by the Lawn Lake flood in 1982), hoping to find our way up to the Spectacle Lakes (here's a link to someone else's pictures and report on this hike)- on the topo map the cirque it sits in looks quite impressive.

And, and and...I didn't forget about August - it just makes me the most nervous. We're spending a night at the Boulderfield at the end of the approach trail to the summit of Longs Peak. The next morning, we're going to make an attempt to summit, weather and conditions permitting, of course. The summit is at 14,259 feet. Our campsite will be at 12,750 - so we'll gain the majority of the elevation on the first day - just the tough trail-less adventure up and back - thankfully without our heavy packs, we'll stash those at the Boulderfield for the day.

I've been watching a DVD about the route we're going to take - The Keyhole Route - and I have to tell you - I'm not sure if it's the camera angles or what, but there are parts of that trip that make my hands sweat already. It makes me thankful to be going with someone who is about the most patient and fairly conservative when it comes to adventures such as this. I have noticed that I've started to look at that mountain a little differently these days as I'm headed to work...maybe by the end of the summer, I'll know what the view from the top is like - firsthand.

There may be another 14'er somewhere in July or early August and I'm sure a few other hikes and maybe a little car camping too - but that's the big stuff I'm trying to get into shape for. Feels good to put it out there and really own the goals.

It had to be a dream...

But I'm pretty sure I was wide awake tonight. I was leaving the gym and noticed a plaque I'd not seen before. I'm not kidding. I read it twice. Even double checked to make sure I was at the gym. Yep...here's what it said...

First Monday of the month 'Pizza Night'
Second Tuesday of the month 'Bagel Morning'

Apparently, I picked the right gym. Granted, I picked the gym for lots of right reasons, reasons not including the two items above. It has more cardio equipment than any other gym I've ever gone to. It doesn't have all the muscle guys and their million pound dumbells. It has weight lifting machines - which I love! It also has an "express workout" circuit - kind of like Curves I suppose. And and and...it's around the corner from my apartment complex. And and and...it's only ten bucks a month.